Frequently Asked Questions

two hearts drawn with red marker

What is an online extortion?

Online extortion is a cybercrime, in which victims face threats of online exposure of their private information unless they comply with certain demands. This usually involves sexually explicit images or videos of the victims.

What happens if I report it to FBI, IC3 or police.

Unfortunately, nothing much. Typically, blackmailers carry out their activities in foreign countries, making it difficult for law enforcement agencies such as the FBI or local police departments to take action against them. These agencies usually prioritize crimes within their jurisdiction and may not have the resources to address instances of online blackmail. It is advisable to report to professionals who specialize in dealing with these types of crimes.

What to do if I'm being extorted online? (on Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, dating website, Google Chat, WhatsApp, Telegram, or any other platform for communication)

If you are being extorted online, especially on social media, it is crucial to take immediate action to protect yourself. However, dealing with such situations on your own can be daunting and potentially harmful. Seeking professional help can provide you with the necessary expertise and support to handle the situation effectively.

Below you can find some initial steps that you can take on your own.

But please, keep in mind that these steps are justifiable only for a short period of time. They must be deemed only as pre-caution steps while you seeking professional help. Following these steps completely on your own can and will result in the most regrettable outcomes and might lead to severest consequences. (your private and privileged content being released; escalation of threats, etc.)

  • Do not continuously communicate with extortionist. You may briefly respond to them, tell them that you comply, and are looking for money. However, withdraw from continuous communication with them. Do not spend more than 10 minutes chatting with them. If they are persistent, and keep texting you over and over again, let them know that you can’t talk to them right now (you’re driving; in a meeting; having a dinner with family; etc.) and will certainly talk to them later. Spending too much time talking to them is making the situation worse and further encourage the extortionist to continue their behavior.

  • Take screenshots: Collecting evidence is essential for any potential further actions.

  • Secure the accounts that are not directly involved: Make your accounts private. This will prevent them from contacting you on other platforms. But please, do not do so with your primary platform(s) for communication with extortionist. For example, if you are dealing with Instagram extortion, do not make your Instagram private, as it will only raise suspicion and will not have any impact, since the extortionist already has your Instagram followers list. Plus, you still need a way to maintain contact with the perpetrator. Only make private those platforms, that were not used for communication with them.

  • Report the behavior: Use the report function to alert social media platform of the issue.

  • Report the behavior: If you feel unsafe or threatened, it's vital to report the behavior to professionals and provide them with the evidence.

Remember, your safety and well-being are paramount.

How fast can you stop online extortion?

We take over your case immediately. Once we do so, you will be relived of the burden of handling the extortionists. Our team usually resolves such matters within a few weeks and sometimes, even a few days. However, the threats and the extortion itself usually stop in the first hours after we take over. The rest of the time we are ensuring this situation wouldn’t happen in the future.

How confidential is all this?

As confidential as it can be, really. Our team members all work under a strict international non-disclosure agreements. Safety and privacy of you, your family, and those close to you, is and will always be our number 1 concern. You are also required to sign Service Authorization Agreement with us, that has a whole section dedicated to your privacy. And, we also encourage you to visit our Privacy policy.

What types of online extortion do you specialize in?

We specialize in addressing various forms of online extortion across multiple platforms. Whether it's Instagram, Snapchat, Google Chat, email, Facebook, dating services, or even messaging platform within PayPal (which perpetrators sometimes exploit for blackmailing), we have extensive experience and expertise in handling all types of online extortion scenarios. Our team is well-equipped to work with any platform and provide effective solutions tailored to each specific case.

What about the price?

Our pricing is customized based on various factors specific to each client's case. One thing worth mentioning: it’s transparent. There will be NO additional charges or hidden fees you might be required to pay. We never practice that (unlike other institutions in this filed). You are paying only once, for a one-time service that completely solves your problem. Plus, the price is affordable comparing to what is offered on the market.

If you have any questions or concerns, please, do not hesitate to contact us via Get Help page or Contact Us section.

We are always there for you!